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Seresto® collar: 8 months of protection against ticks and fleas

Bayer’s new Seresto collar protects dogs and cats for a prolonged period of infestation of fleas and ticks, preventing diseases transmitted by these parasites.

Santo Domingo, Bayer Animal Health launched the Seresto collar, an innovative antiparasitic product that offers protection to dogs and cats against fleas and ticks for a maximum of 8 months from a single application.

Bayer executives reported that Seresto helps reduce the risk of transmission of vector diseases transferred by parasites that can be dangerous and even fatal to pets, and that can sometimes affect people.

“The level of the long-term efficacy of this collar is completely new. In addition, the fact that the same treatment can be used in cats and dogs makes it a real change in the market, both for veterinarians and for the owners of pets, ”they said.

Dr. Darwin Kaminsky said that the necklace has a combination of materials that allows the safe and controlled release of adequate doses of the active ingredients for 8 months.

“This gives more protection to dogs and cats that use it, not only because it kills fleas and ticks, but also because it repels ticks before they get itchy and swallowed blood, which helps to fully protect the pet,” Kaminsky said.

The expert indicated that the climate of the Dominican Republic is conducive to the proliferation of fleas and ticks throughout the year, making dogs and cats vulnerable so that prolonged protection and the use of defense mechanisms against these parasites are required. that affect them.

Kaminsky said that Seresto adapts to the pet, whatever it’s the size and can also be placed together with a normal collar, has a safety opening mechanism freeing its user in case he gets caught avoiding strangulation. The new product is waterproof so that the animal can bathe without its properties being affected.

Additionally, it is odorless and safe for animals, the family and the environment.

Seresto is available as a collar in two sizes (for dogs and cats less than 8 kg and for dogs over 8 kg). It is very safe for people because of the low amount of active ingredients that are on the surface of the collar.

It is the only product that contains these two active ingredients (Imidacloprid and Flumethrin). These two compounds are included inside the collar in a polymer matrix that makes it totally innovative in its form of release and protection.

At the launch of the Seresto collar, an innovative antiparasitic product that offers protection to dogs and cats against fleas and ticks.At the launch of the Seresto collar, an innovative antiparasitic product that offers protection to dogs and cats against fleas and ticks.







Bayer journalism award for “Innovation for Sustainable Development”

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