

Ofrecemos nuestros servicios con absoluta integridad y honestidad, actuando en coherencia con nuestros principios morales. Creemos que nuestro logro más importante es obtener la confianza de nuestros clientes.



Realizamos nuestro máximo esfuerzo, prestando atención al detalle y realizando el debido seguimiento.



Asumimos un compromiso con la protección de las informaciones de carácter confidencial y privado de nuestros clientes.



Nos esforzamos por cumplir con los requisitos de nuestros clientes en términos de tiempo, alcance, costo y objetivos para lograr su satisfacción total.



Realizamos nuestro trabajo con gran dedicación y entrega buscando continuamente y proactivamente, nuevas formas e ideas para ponerlas al servicio de las necesidades e intereses de nuestros clientes, contribuyendo con el logro de su misión. Nuestro trabajo es nuestra gran pasión.

“As everything communicates, we take care of what you say and what you don’t…

We invite you to learn more in our corporate video


The development of strategies
is our main strength
We design communication and public relations strategies for clients who need to communicate effectively with their key audiences, reinforcing and supporting their business objectives.
Know our services
We tell stories that provide our audiences with unique experiences that guarantee entertaining and informative communication that generates emotion and empathy, capturing attention effectively.

Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility

We collaborate with our clients in the construction…


Crisis and risk management

We advise our clients to prevent and…


Event organization

We organize memorable events taking care of the details and…


Internal communication and change management

We support our clients to make…


Media management

We develop communication strategies that position…



We provide training to executive staff…


Digital marketing

We support our clients in creating…


Editorial production and graphic communication

We offer the necessary support for the elaboration…


Strategic Alliances


The Dominican Association of Health Tourism promotes the best practices in the health and tourism sectors, to achieve the consolidation of the Dominican Republic as a world-class health tourism destination.

It offers strategic, innovative, high-quality services. It is the first independent agency specialized in PR in Costa Rica. Ketchum is among the top 3 PR agencies in the world.

Get all the updates by visiting our News and Events sections.

